Brain - Facts, Types, Functions, Problems and Brain Damages

An Example of human brain
The human brain is located in the head, which is protected by the skull. The human brain is the command centre for the nervous system, which receives input from the sensory organs and also send output to the muscle. The brain is one of the most complex and magnificent organs in the human body.
The human body weighs about 3pounds (1.4 kilo grams). The human brain gives the body awareness of ourselves and of our environment. The human brain controls the muscle movements, secretions of glands, and even our breathing and internal temperature. In humans, the cerebral cortex contains about 16-33 billion neurons. The human brain makes up about 2% of humans body weight, the cerebrum makes up 85% of the Brain's weight which makes it the largest part of the human brain. All the part of the brain work together, but each part has it own special properties. The cerebral cortex is greatly enlarged in human brains, and is considered the seat of complex thought. Visual processing takes place in the occipital lobe, near the back of the skull. The brain can be divided into three part: 

1. fore brain.
2. Mid brain.
3. Hind brain. 

1. The largest and most highly developed part of the human brain is the fore brain. It consist of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is located at the topmost part of the brain. It holds the memory and it is the source of intellectual activities. The cerebrum is spited into two hemisphere: the left and the right hemisphere. The right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body, while the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. When one side of the brain is affected or damaged, the opposite side of the body is affected. The thalamus lies between the cerebrum and the brain stem. The thalamus relays motor and sensory signals to the cortex and it is involved in regulatory consciousness, sleep and alertness. The hypothalamus connect the nervous system to the endocrine system, where hormones are produced. 

2. Mid brain controls some reflex action. It is also involved in the control of eye movements and other voluntary movements. The uppermost part of the brain stem is the mid brain. 

3. Hind brain include the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the Cerebellum. The body's vital function such as respiration and heart rate is controlled by the Hind brain. The cerebellum co-ordinate movement and is involved in learned movement. The cerebellum plays a vital role in co-ordination and balance.  

There are different types of brain injury which are classified on the type of force and the amount that impact the head. The injury may affect just one functional area of the brain, various areas, or all areas of the brain. 
Traumatic Brain injury include concussion and contusion. 
Diffuse axonal injury include locked in syndrome, penetrating injury,
Acquired brain injury result from damaged to the brain caused by stroke, toxins, tumours, hypoxia, anoxia. It is not hereditary, degenerative, congenital or induced by birth trauma. 
Anoxic Brain injury,
Hypoxic Brain Injury, 
Severe Brain injury usually result from crushing blow or penetrating wound to the head. Such injuries crush, tear and rip brain tissue. It is the most life threatening and most intractable type of brain injury.           
                           PROBLEMS AFTER BRAIN INJURY
-The memory of the patients might decrease due to the injuries. 
-The patient would feel pain at the back of the head, neck or shoulder 
-The injury may cause overload and the brain will not be able to store informations 
-The patient will feel stressed, difficulty in sleeping and get easily tired. 
-The patient will experience headaches.

 The children's brain is easier to get damaged.

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